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Top 4 Fire Safety Tips You Need to Follow

Installing a fire out in your backyard is one of the best ways to increase the value of your home. Not only you can enhance the aesthetic value of your backyard space, but you can also relax with your friend and family around the fire pit. You can also take your fire pit to your camping trip as it will serve as the backbone of the adventurous journey. A fire pit is a location where you can cook food while also staying warm.

However, you should not install a fire pit without knowing the precautionary measures. Fire is undoubtedly a devastating thing that could cause potential harm or damage if you don’t pay close attention. Therefore, you need to know the safety tips regarding the fire pit. Here are the top 4 fire pit safety features you need to consider.

Determine the Accurate Location

Location is one of the most important safety measurements you need to keep in mind. You need to find a smooth surface in an open area. If you’re installing a fire pit in your backyard, the location should be at least 15 feet away from the outdoor furniture items that can catch fire easily. Wooden decks, overhanging branches, and fences are some of the most vulnerable things to fire. This means that you should never install a fire pit underneath a cover patio, canopy tent, or trees.

Don’t Use Fuel Accelerants

You might think that using fuel accelerants such as lighter fluid will help you start the fire easily, especially if you’re using the fire pit for camping purposes where the temperature is cold. However, this method is highly unsafe. Fuel accelerants not only release toxic fumes but might also start explosions that would prove fatal. As per Sapling, gasoline is a common example of a fuel accelerant.

Instead of using the fuel accelerants, make sure you use natural materials such as wood, kindling, or tinder to start the fire. Tinder is one of the best ways to start a fire easily. Once the tinder catches fire, it will ignite the kindling easily as tinder is fluffy and dry. Make sure you use wood that breaks or snaps. This means that they are dry.

Don’t Forget to Check the Weather Forecast

This is another fire pit safety tip you should know. Windy days are extremely dangerous for the fire as the wind can cause fire to spread rapidly. Before using the fire pit, make sure you check for warnings or restrictions issued by the weather department of your area. If the pollution level of your area is high, the Government might prevent you from using your fire pit as the smoke will work as the catalyst of the air pollution.

Additionally, the risk for fire-related incidents increases when the air is dry. If the weather department forecasts rain, make sure you use a high-quality fire pit cover to protect it.

Use Relevant Wood

The wood you choose for the burning process will play a significant role. If you’ve purchased a traditional fire pit and want to relive the nostalgic effect of wood-burning or creaking sound, the wood-burning fire pit will undoubtedly prove beneficial. However, keep in mind that some wood produces more fumes. Therefore, make sure you determine the perfect wood for the fire pit.

You can also use propane or gas fire put that provides a quick-lighting option.


These are the top 4 fire safety features you need to consider. If you’re installing a fire pit in your backyard, don’t forget to disclose it to your home insurance company. This way you can increase the protection of your home.