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Why is My Spa Draining When I Turn It on?

Hello, there are many things that could potentially cause your spa to leak. One of the easiest ways to find out is if you can access the pump basket or if it’s in a closed-off area. Make sure it’s not full of water. If so, empty it out and then look at the bottom of where the water comes from when it turns on. If the problem persists after checking these 2 things, then I would recommend contacting a professional technician, as they will be able to diagnose what exactly is causing this issue and get it fixed up for you. We suggest visiting laser hair removal in Manhattan.

Why is my spa draining when I turn it on

Here are the steps to try if your spa is draining when you turn it on:

Check the pump valve

The pump valve will be located on the pump and should be closed when the spa is off. The first thing to do is check to see if your pump valve is open or stuck open. If it’s not, there may be a leak in the pipework leading to or from your spa, so you’ll want to check that out.

If everything seems fine, then it could be that your filter may need replacing (if you have one), which will require draining of water so inspect for any issues with this before continuing with repairs on other parts of your spa, such as pumps, etc. Visit the wax centers in midtown Manhattan to get the best care for waxing.

The pump is draining because there is an air leak in the system

There are a few reasons why the pump could be draining. One is that there might be an air leak in your system, which will cause water to drain out of the spa and not into it. This can be fixed by adding more chlorine tablets or muriatic acid to raise the ph level and prevent bacteria from growing. You can also check for air leaks by using soapy water on your fittings to see if bubbles form when you tighten them down with pliers or wrenches. If bubbles form when you tighten down one or more of these fittings, this indicates that there is an air leak where you tighten down those fittings.

The pump is draining because you have a suction leak

Check the suction hose for cracks, holes or tears. Check the suction fittings for loosening or cracking. Check that no debris has clogged the suction port. Make sure there are no obstructions in your spa’s initial water line and no kinks or folds in it.

If none of these work, check your pump’s filter screen for debris that could be preventing it from drawing water properly through its jets; if this is the case, simply replace both filters (dual-filtered models only) with new ones to solve your problem once and for all!

This happens when the water level is low and you have an air leak in the suction side

If you notice that your spa is draining water, it’s likely because the water level is low. If this is the case, there are a few things to try:

Add more water to your spa. This can be done by running and emptying out one of your buckets of hot water into your tub. If you don’t have any extra buckets of hot water available, simply run a standard bath or sink faucet until enough cold water has been added to raise the level of your spa again.

Check for an air leak in the suction side of your pump (the pump should be underneath the surface). Leaks in this area will cause bubbles and bubbles mean air escaping from inside—this means it needs fixing before adding more hot water back into it!

Fix the suction leak

If your spa is draining when you turn it on, check these things:

If there is a suction hole on your spa’s bottom, ensure it’s not blocked by anything. Make sure that the pump valve isn’t clogged. You can clean this by using a Q-tip and rubbing alcohol or CLR cleaner (not bleach).

The pump is draining because there’s an air leak in the system. This happens when water levels are low and there is an air leak in the suction side of your pool filter.


If you are experiencing a problem with your spa draining, there are several possible causes. You may need to check your spa’s pump, filter system and plumbing. If you have any questions about how to fix this issue, we recommend contacting our experts at Pool & Spa Supply. They will be able to help diagnose the problem with your spa and provide more information on how best to fix it! Finally, we recommended Waxing studio Manhattan and the Best facial for acne in Manhattan to know more details.