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Why Do Americans Call Football ‘Soccer’?

Soccer is a popular sport that has a massive following all over the world. But, in America, the term ‘soccer’ is used to refer to what most of the world calls football. The sport is called football in almost every other country on the planet, which makes it a bit confusing for people outside of America to understand why they call it soccer. In this article, we will explore the history behind why Americans call football ‘soccer.’ The content is presented by TheHickoryGolfHub

The Origin of the Word ‘Soccer’

Why Do Americans Call Football 'Soccer'
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The word ‘soccer’ is actually an abbreviation of ‘association football.’ The term was first used in England in the late 1800s to distinguish it from other forms of football that were played at the time, such as rugby football. The word ‘soccer’ was commonly used in England until the 1970s when the country started to refer to the sport as football.

The Rise of American Football

The popularity of American football in the United States is one of the main reasons why football is called soccer in America. American football was invented in the late 1800s, and it quickly became one of the most popular sports in America. With the rise of American football, the term ‘football’ became associated with the sport, and the term ‘soccer’ was used to differentiate it from American football. Find out: How Long After Regripping Golf Clubs

The Influence of British English

Another reason why Americans call football ‘soccer’ is the influence of British English in America. When soccer was first introduced in America, it was mostly played by immigrants from Britain. These immigrants used the term ‘soccer’ to refer to the sport, and the term stuck around even after the sport became more popular in America.

The Marketing Strategy of the North American Soccer League

In the 1960s and 1970s, the North American Soccer League (NASL) was founded in America. The NASL was trying to market soccer to Americans who were more familiar with American football and baseball. To make the sport more accessible to Americans, the NASL started using the term ‘soccer’ instead of football. This helped to create a distinction between the two sports and made it easier for Americans to understand the rules of the game.

The Differentiation from American Football

The primary reason why Americans call football ‘soccer’ is to differentiate it from American football. American football is a unique sport that has very little in common with the rest of the world’s football. Using the term ‘soccer’ helps to clarify which sport people are talking about and avoids confusion.

The Use of the Term ‘Football’ in America

It’s worth noting that the term ‘football’ is also used in America, but it refers to American football. The sport is widely known as football in almost every other country in the world, but in America, it is called soccer. This can be confusing for people from other countries who are used to calling the sport football.


In conclusion, Americans call football ‘soccer’ because of a combination of historical and cultural factors. The term ‘soccer’ was first used in England to distinguish association football from other forms of football, and it was adopted by American immigrants who brought the sport to America. The rise of American football and the marketing strategy of the NASL also played a role in popularizing the term ‘soccer.’ Ultimately, the use of the term ‘soccer’ in America helps to differentiate it from American football and avoid confusion.